1. What kind of tattoos do you make? + -

I make all kinds of colorful tattoos. Starting from crazy big, trippy pieces to small minimalistic projects. I’m happy to tattoo my available flashes as well as projects from my client’s ideas. You can check out my projects on INSTAGRAM.

2. How to book an appointment? + -

Click the “BOOK A TATTOO" button and fill out the form. I will get back to you as soon as possible.

3. Do you do black tattoos? + -
I don’t make full black tattoos but I’m happy to mix black and colors.
4. Do you do custom designs? + -
Yes! Feel free to contact me about your custom project (Although I only accept tattoo ideas that I believe fit into my personal style)
5. How long does a tattoo appointment take? + -
I don’t like to work in a hurry so I always save more time than it’s necessary. Please don’t make any appointments right after the tattoo so I can work in peace 🙂
6. Anything that I shouldn’t do before getting a tattoo? + -

Yes! Don’t drink a lot of alcohol 24 hours before our appointment and don’t come with freshly tanned skin, it makes the tattoo process very difficult/impossible. Also, do not put body lotion 24h before tattooing. You can read more rules HERE.

7. Do you do copies from the internet? + -
No, I do not. I will not make a copy of an idea from a photo. However, if you can send it to me as an inspiration then I can get inspired!
8. Do colors fade over time? + -

The healing process of colorful tattoos is the same as the black. When the tattoo is fresh it’s always more “shiny”. After healing, a thin layer of skin covers a tattoo. That’s why it’s not so intensive as a fresh one, but it’s still the same color and it looks nice. All colors look a bit different depending on the skin tone. If you want to see some photos of healed colorful tattoos, check out my INSTAGRAM.

9. How much does a tattoo cost? + -

The price depends on the design, placement, and size of a tattoo. Since I make a lot of different kinds of designs, it’s impossible to make a price list. The minimum price for a tattoo is 150€, all day tattoo session is 800€. Usually, small flashes are around 150-200€. To get to know the price of your dreamed tattoo, send me an INQUIRY

10. How to take care of a fresh tattoo? + -

You can read about it HERE.

11. How long do I have to wait to get a spot? + -

For now, I make bookings 1-2 months ahead. Sometimes, due to cancellation, I can even find a spot for the next week. Just send a BOOKING APPLICATION ,so we can talk about the date.

12. Do you show the design earlier? + -
No, I do not. I usually draw them the day before or on the day of the appointment. You can trust me that it will be nice 🙂  From my experience, I realized that it’s much better to make some changes in the project while sitting face to face.  If there is something that you want to change, then no problem, we will do it together.
14. What kind of ink do you use? + -
I use high-quality vegan ink, so you can be sure that colors stay nice and intensive!
15. Does it hurt? + -

Everyone has a different tolerance for pain but usually, it hurts much less than people think!

16. How Long Does A Tattoo Take To Heal? + -

It depends on your skin and healing capability, usually, it’s around 3-4 weeks. If you want to learn more about Tattoo Aftercare click HERE.
